Apart from the occasional visitor singing or tickling
the ivories of our grand piano, and midday prayers
three days a week, our Chapel has been silent now
for almost eighteen months. With the restrictions
surrounding the pandemic still in place until July’s
easing, we thought it best to hold off until we felt we
could hold a service safely. The number of new
cases here on the Island have continued to
increase, and with many holidaymakers here now,
that is likely to be the case for a while yet. All being
well, however, we are hoping to recommence our
worship meetings in September, initially planning to
hold these monthly.
It is easy to take scripture out of context, and thereby
indulge in misplaced triumphalism. How often do we
hear of “new things” when a church or fellowship
hasn’t completed the “old things” Jesus asked of
them? Last Spring’s newsletter shows that we were
anticipating a busy year ahead. Looking back, how
our plans came to nothing! All the talk now is of
getting back to normal, or “new normal” at least, yet
is some kind of normal the land God calls us to