It’s great to have a ‘fighting force’ of around 20 Priory Intercessors, but each one of us would be delighted to see the ranks swelled. Is God calling you to become a part of this vital work?
Focus of Intercession
Carisbrooke Priory Intercessors are vital partners in the ministry of this House of Prayer and Christian Healing, through their commitment to pray for its life, work and community of people. This includes guidance for those involved in its leadership, wisdom concerning spiritual and practical priorities, and the planning and funding of improvement and maintenance of the buildings and grounds.
Communication of Prayer Needs
A Prayer Diary has been produced and will be updated at appropriate times. In addition to this and the Priory Newsletter, Intercessors will be made aware of specific prayer needs, using the most direct form of communication acceptable to each person. E-mail is the most immediate means, but the normal post will be used for those who do not use e-mail.
Special Times for Prayer
God is with the Priory at all times, and there are no better times than others for Intercessors to be praying. However, when, at noon on most weekdays, members of the Priory gather for prayer in the Chapel, Intercessors may enjoy a special oneness in the Spirit. Also, every Thursday at 11am, we seek the Holy Spirit’s specific words for individuals, ahead of the Open Door service, which starts at noon.
Review and Gathering
Priory Intercessors will be contacted annually to see if they wish to continue. E-mail is the most immediate means of communication, but a normal post will be used for those who do not use e-mail. There will also be an annual gathering at the Priory, to which all Intercessors will be invited. However, Intercessors are welcome at the Priory at any time during normal opening hours, and at other times by prior arrangement.
If you are interested in becoming a Priory Intercessor, please speak with Bob White or e-mail