Special Events

Special Events

Special Events 150 150 Carisbrooke Priory

Two Enneagram Workshops with David Tomlinson, Anglican Priest, Writer and Broadcaster

Friday 4th and Saturday 5th October

10.00 – 16.30

Get to know yourself better on these enlightening and possibly life-changing days

Friday – An Introduction to the Enneagram

Saturday – What brings us alive on the inside and what can we bring to our world?

Cost £45 per day (normal cost £65) or £80 if attending both days

To book your place contact Corinne Smith –

Pay cash on the day or in advance via the Chicken House website: www.chickenhouseretreats.com

Tea and coffee will be provided on both days.  You can buy lunch at the Priory Tea Room on Friday, but on Saturday you will need to bring your own.

Quiet Day

Quiet Day 150 150 Carisbrooke Priory

A day of silence and reflection for Lent on Saturday 23rd March – 10.00 – 16.00

“Holding onto Hope”

When life feels challenging and dark, where can we find the light?

In a troubled world how can we be hopeful and not give in to despair?


To book by Friday 15th March contact Carisbrooke Priory 01983 523354 or email:

  • Bring your own picnic lunch and eat it when you want
  • Free hot and cold drinks available
  • Guided meditations during the day led by Rosie Deedes
  • Refreshments provided in the café at 3.30 to close the silence

Suggested donation – £15 per person

Special Events: Autumn/Winter 2022

Special Events: Autumn/Winter 2022 150 150 Carisbrooke Priory

The House and Gardens are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00am to 4.00pm and the Tea Room is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Carisbrooke Priory is a member of the Quiet Garden Movement – an organisation which encourages the provision of a variety of local venues where there is an opportunity to set aside time to rest and to pray.  The Priory’s gardens offer an area of beauty and peacefulness dedicated to quiet prayer and solitude.

The house is usually open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm and the Tea Room serving homemade soup or jacket potatoes (winter months), homemade quiche (summer months), sandwiches and delicious cakes is open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (lunches are served between Noon and 2.00 p.m.).

House of Prayer

You are invited to receive prayer for healing, with members of the Priory team.

Those seeking prayer may do so for themselves or on behalf of others.

Christian Healing

The Priory welcomes everyone and especially those looking for peace of mind.

Some may be searching for meaning and direction in their lives, while others are as much interested in helping as being helped.


Our shop is open Tuesday to Friday, 10.00am to 4.00pm.

We stock a large selection of secondhand books, hand made cards, seasonal items, good quality second-hand goods.

Support Us

Carisbrooke Priory depends upon gifts mainly from individuals.

You can use this button to make a donation to the Carisbrooke Priory Trust using PayPal.

Our next Open Door Service will be held at Noon on Thursday 6th February 2025 and will be led by Pastor Ben Brown of Ryde Elim. Refreshments served from 11.00 - bring a packed lunch and we can continue fellowship after the service. All welcome